One of my #2021 Reflections

On the last day before leaving the hospital after I had surgery, I had to say goodbye to a great man. A father, a martial artist and a wonderful human being. I was with him in the recovery room for a couple of days and it was one of the most valuable moments in my entire lifetime. At that time I was extremely homesick, alone and in grievous pain both physically and mentally. He supported me through that difficult time and was checking on me every now and then "You ok, Ali?".

He gave me many precious lessons in life. He told me that life is beautiful and that the way we look at it determines that. He taught me that a person can not be judged because of his race, religion, culture or skin colour but rather by their actions. He also mentioned that being positive, even in the worst circumstances in your life is of vital importance. Particularly, he made me realise how necessary it is for all the people around the world to love and help each other.

When I left him on that day I burst into tears I do not know why. Even though I had only known him for a couple of days but he left a huge impact on me. To my amazement, he was not from Bristol originally but they transferred him to Southmead hospital in Bristol to have surgery for his broken leg. God brought him to me at that exact time in my life when I needed him the most.

Sadly, I forgot his name by now but did not forget his smile and good deeds. To whoever reading this post if by some kind of miracle you came across this man tell him that I really considered him as a father to me. Tell him whenever he would have the chance to visit Saudi Arabia in the future I would love to host him there. Above all, tell him that the world needs more people like him.

Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to all of the #nhs staff for their incredible work. Best care I could ever receive and I am so grateful to all of the nurses and doctors there. Thank You!!

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